Raleigh Sadler's passion is to see people fight human trafficking by loving those most vulnerable.
As a speaker, his work has taken him to universities and churches across the country speaking on how the christian faith frees us to explore justice and mercy in our communities. With that said, he believes that the church should be leading the way in the fight against human trafficking. The local church, he says, best fights human trafficking by loving those vulnerable to it. With this message, He has worked with the Price of Life Invitational, New York City Urban Project, the MNYBA, the New York State Anti-trafficking Coalition, Restore NYC, City Serve, as well as several other justice and mercy organizations. He currently leads the Let My People Go movement, which challenges leaders to do justice though innovation and collaboration with the Gospel as their motivation. He believes strongly that the world will not see an end to the problem of human trafficking until the local church rises up against it. If you are interested in having him come speak to your church or university, contact him.
Raleigh speaking at the "Not on My Watch" Press conference on the steps of City Hall in Manhattan's Financial District.